Tuesday, June 30, 2009



Passionate Bloggers Wanted

Care2 Inc.
Redwood Shores, CA (SF Bay Area)

Want to reach millions of passionate readers with your blog?

Make a difference! Blog on a site that shares your passions and is making the world a better place. With nearly 10 million members and 400 non-profit partners, Care2 is the largest and most trusted online community empowering people to lead healthier, more sustainable lifestyles while taking action on important causes.
Care2 is seeking bloggers for the following categories:

* Animal Welfare
* Civil Rights
* Environment & Wildlife
* Global Warming
* Health Policy
* Human Rights
* Politics
* Women's Rights


* Must be knowledgeable, insightful and passionate about one or more of the categories.
* Excellent writing skills
* Ability to use WordPress or similar content management tool
* Timely, relevant content is key; minimum 300 words per post, original content.*

* Bloggers may repost the pieces they write for Care2 on their personal blogs 30 days after publication; the re-posted articles must contain attribution "originally published on Care2" with a link to the article's original permalink page.

* Per post, dependent on experience, with potential bonuses for high-traffic and comment posts.

How to apply:

* Please send a new sample blog of approx. 300 words that could be used as your first post on the site. Please put your name in the subject line, and the title of the post and send to: causes@earth.care2.com.


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